What is your return/refund policy?
We offer a 30-day guarantee on our products. If you don’t love a MERIT product purchased from our website for any reason, we are happy to issue an exchange or refund for specific products within 30 days of delivery. Please visit this link to request a return. While we're happy to refund or exchange your product, we are unfortunately unable to refund shipping charges. If you would prefer to receive an exchange within 30 days or delivery, please email us at Please see our Terms of Service for additional details about our return policy.
Due to logistical challenges of shipping a hazmat product, we are unable to accept physical returns of our fragrance, Retrospect. Please reach out to before purchasing if you have any questions.
Please note that we are unable to accept returns or exchanges for all products purchased in Sephora stores and on Sephora websites. Please visit the Sephora website to review their return policy or visit a Sephora store.
How do I start a return?
To start a return, simply click this link to view your orders and follow the prompt to complete your return. Do not use if you would like to make an exchange. To make an exchange, please email us at and we will be happy to help.
Kindly note, we are unable to accept returns for products sold as part of a set. If you would like to keep some of the products in a set, we would be happy to exchange for an item of equal or lesser value.
Email us at if you have any questions.
How long does it take to process a refund?
If your request is approve, refunds are processed within 3 business days of receipt. We initiate the refund instantly on our end, but depending on your bank's policy, please allow up to 10 business days for the refund to reflect on your account.
How do I receive a refund if I used AfterPay?
Once your return has been processed, your updated invoice will be visible in your AfterPay portal. If you have only returned part of your order, your payment schedule will be adjusted. If you have more questions, please check out this article.